PRESS RELEASE: New Electronic Medical Records Module for CS WinOMS Simplifies Workflow, Reduces Clicks

In order to streamline the digital workflow of oral and maxillofacial practices, Carestream Dental has introduced the EMR Elite module, a comprehensive, integrated solution for easily capturing and viewing patient medical records and treatment plans.

The EMR Elite module is the newest feature for the latest release of CS WinOMS v 9.0 practice management software. With its smoother, faster workflow, doctors and their teams can access comprehensive patient information in fewer clicks.

“Many technologically savvy practices find switching from paper to digital files to be the first step towards a streamlined digital workflow,” Gary Salman, director, oral and maxillofacial surgery,  Carestream Dental, said. “The user experience of EMR Elite mimics paper charting but with a modern electronic interface that’s designed to work the way an OMS practice functions.”

The redesigned main screen is easily navigable—similar to a web page—reducing the number clicks needed to access procedure history, patient registration, the encounter slip (previously, point-of-care), prescriptions and many other vital features. All of the pertinent information is presented in a simple and meaningful way, thus improving the user’s ability to mitigate potential patient complications by providing easy access to medical history, primary surgical history, allergies and medications.

EMR Elite also provides instant previews of images, attachments and TruForms, eliminating the need to open another window to view an image. Faster access to critical data, such as images, notes and treatment plans, allows for more face-time with patients.

For more information about EMR Elite or any of Carestream Dental’s innovative products, call 800.944.6365 or visit

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