There’s No Business Like Story Business

What new tool can you use to market your business, or articulate what makes you stand out among the competition? TELL A STORY!

In business across the board, the story is a buzz word. People don’t buy products; they buy stories—and emotional connections. Storytellers who can share their narrative in an engaging way have a leg up on the competition.

In the program I am presenting at the Global Oral Health Summit this November in Orlando, Fla., I will inspire you to understand the value of a great story: how to find the story that you—and you alone—are meant to tell and how to craft that story to build rapport and instill trust.

You can build relationships by tapping the power of story to evoke a connection and foster patient loyalty. Find the story that exemplifies your values and differentiates you from the practice around the corner.

Relationships are built on trust. When you tell your authentic story, you are giving up a little of yourself and trusting listeners with your story. Personal stories are compelling, and they build connections through mutual values and experiences—ultimately creating trust.

Do you think you don’t have a story to tell? Do you think that no one wants to hear your story? Do you have a story but don’t know how to craft it for building your business relationships?  Don’t miss this interactive, creative and thought-provoking program about the power of storytelling at the Summit. The story is your ticket to success—or it’s curtains for you!

I hope you’ve already registered for the Summit. But if you haven’t, I am pleased to offer you some incentive to do it today. Here’s $200 off your registration. Just enter BLOG when you register.


You won’t want to miss the star-studded stories that we create together at the Summit.



Eva Grayzel