CS Advantage gives you access to a number of exclusive benefits, starting with the following warranty, service and support options:
Available on all new imaging equipment purchases, CS Protect1 extends the warranty of your equipment and protects your investment from day one.
Provides coverage beyond the standard manufacturer’s warranty
Covers repairs such as malfunction and equipment failure
Fast repair/replacement times with no hidden fees
Keep up with the latest software updates.
Download updates directly from your computer
Update to the latest version available for your software when you’re ready
Access the latest software release
Option to renew once coverage expires
Carestream Dental’s experienced support personnel are available to answer your questions and discuss your challenges, while our results-oriented training program helps you master your imaging system. Benefits include:
Available for both imaging equipment and software
Unlimited access to online training modules via Carestream Dental Institute
Expert training from Carestream Dental for a more personalized experience*
Multilingual course offerings (English, French, Italian, German and Spanish)
24/7 access to a number of training and support options
Technical help available via live telephone support and/or email*
Remote support capabilities allow support team to detect and resolve technical problems immediately
Professional installation services
The best time to enroll in CS Advantage is at the point of sale when purchasing your equipment and/or your software. The advantages are compelling:
Imaging equipment purchases
Already purchased a Carestream Dental product? Contact us to know the conditions to enroll in CS Advantage.
Software purchases
To discover all the benefits of CS Advantage, enroll today. The premium service and support program is only available in select regions. Contact your local representative if you have any questions about the program’s availability for a particular product.