Cephalometric Modules

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Carpus Panel for Scan Ceph Module SKU: 5319355
The Carpus Panel accessory is designed for use with the Scan Ceph module of the CS 8100 family, CS 8100 3D family, CS 8200 3D family and CS 9600 family imaging systems. This accessory is utilized for cephalometric images of the carpal bones of the wrist.
Scan Ceph Module - CS 9600
Scan Ceph Module - CS 9600 SKU: 5942396
The Scan Ceph module by Carestream Dental is an exceptional cephalometric imaging system that produces accurate and high-quality images in seconds. The module features ultra-fast scanning technology and automatic tracing software, which saves time and delivers unprecedented accuracy in cephalometric technology. With flexible imaging options, the Scan Ceph module offers all common projections and multiple image formats, making it an ideal choice for orthodontic and oral surgery needs. The powerful imaging software delivers impressive image clarity and advanced orthodontic filters that accurately visualize hard and soft tissue with just one click. The automatic tracing feature allows you to fully trace images in just 10 seconds, covering most common analysis needs, including Ricketts, McNamara, Steiner and Tweed. The Scan Ceph module is equipped with a dedicated cephalometric sensor that eliminates the need to change the sensor between exams, reducing risk of motion blur, limiting exposure time and ensuring optimal image quality. By collimating the image field to the area of interest, you can limit the exposure area for better patient protection. The Scan Ceph module by Carestream Dental is a must-have tool for orthodontic professionals, delivering exceptional image quality, speed and accuracy.   Call for price: 1800.944.6365
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 Items