Just a Moment to Convert New Patients

No matter where people go these days, their mobile devices bring the power of the internet with them. What does this mean for you, the practitioner? You have an open-ended opportunity for making an impression.

Imagine converting patients while they stand in line at the grocery store or while having brunch with friends. Why should they choose your practice?  If your services are not the least expensive, why would they pay more?

Our marketing consultancy, People & Practice, has helped doctors across the country take advantage of digital media to grab the attention of potential patients at these very moments. We do it with a mix of marketing strategies that include reputation management, social media engagement and Facebook advertising. Our focus is positioning your practice to compete on value, not cost.

Reputation management
When a Google search for local orthodontists/dentists reveals your website, you’re only halfway there. What actually entices a user to click on your practice over another? Google search results that include your business listing with five-star reviews and positive comments. That’s the kind of exposure that makes all the difference. A reputation management system can help capture positive reviews as well as intercept possible negative experiences before they end up online for all to see.

Social media engagement
Too many doctors launch a Facebook page and then—after a few exciting weeks—let it go stale. Posting regularly is not enough.  Engaging content that compels people to share it is the key to an active social media page that converts your current patients’ Facebook friends into new clients. With a customized content strategy, your Facebook fans are encouraged to share posts, further extending your reach on social media.

Facebook advertising

Facebook’s powerful tools allow businesses to target ads directly to people who need your services within driving distance of your office. That’s a unique opportunity for you to engage an audience that’s your prime target market. Your ads must grab the attention of those readers and motivate them to click through to discover more information about your practice.

Stronger together
While you can use each of the above strategies individually, bundling them together creates an unparalleled online marketing mix that engages your current patients and exposes your practice to people who never heard of you before. You are then uniquely positioned to better capture potential patients in your geographic location—thereby increasing your practice revenue stream.

I will be speaking at the Global Oral Health Summit this year in November in Orlando, Fla. I hope you’ll stop by and tell me about how your digital marketing strategy is working for you in your practice.

If you haven’t already registered for the Summit, I am pleased to offer you some incentive to do it today. Here’s $200 off your registration: Just enter BLOG when you register.

I can’t wait to see you at the Summit.

Carestream Dental Blog Administrator Contributor